Master in Electrical Engineering (Electrical Power Systems)
Compulsory Courses
Transformer: Overview of Per unit system, complex power, Vector groups, Modelling of transformer covering three winding transformers, tap changing, regulating transformers, auto-transformers, Zig-zag transformers.
Line models: Short-medium-long transmission line, Surge impedance loading, power transmission capability and line compensation.
Symmetrical Faults: RL circuits transients, circuit breaker selection, bus-bar rating, short circuit MVA, fault current limitations, reactors.
Symmetrical Components and Unbalanced Fault Analysis: symmetrical components, sequence networks of power system components, application of sequence components to solve three phase networks for faults.
Power Flow Analysis: Gauss-Seidel method, Newton-Raphson method, Power flow analysis, DC Power Flow.The updated course outline is adding comprehensive transformer modeling, detailed fault analysis, and power flow analysis methods.
Power System Economic Operation: Optimal operation of Generators in Thermal Power Stations including heat rate Curve – Cost Curve – Incremental fuel and Production costs, input-output characteristics, the effect of transmission line losses, optimal scheduling of Hydrothermal System and models, multi-area interchanges and economics of integrated operation, Unit commitment with hydel and renewable energy sources.
Modelling of System Components: Modelling of Turbine, Generator and Automatic Controllers, Generator (Steady State and Transient Models), Governor, Modelling of Excitation System
Optimal Power Flow: Security Constrained Economic Dispatch, Optimal Power Flow and applications
Load Frequency Control (LFC): Single area control, 2-area system, tie-line bias control, Load Frequency Controllers - Proportional plus Integral, steady state response – Load Frequency Control and Economic dispatch control.
Voltage Control: Voltage and reactive power, Reactive power control, reactive Power compensation in transmission systems, load compensator, Uncompensated and compensated transmission lines.
Overview of Protection system requirements, ANSI codes, Over-current relays, Directional Overcurrent Relays with multiple sources.
Differential protection: Principle, Restricted earth fault including high and low impedance.
Distance Protection: Radial feeder, loop feeder, with multiple generator sources, pilot protection of transmission lines, case studies.
Protection Scheme Design: Single Line Diagram (SLD) for protection and power system design, Protection Logic Diagram (PLD).
Transformer Protection Schemes:
Overview of typical protection schemes, Transformer Protection including T/F Differential, Restricted Earth Fault (REF), Over Flux, Overcurrent (O/C) & Earth Fault (E/F), Sensitive Earth Fault (SEF), Neutral O/C, Mechanical Protection.
Generator and Motor protection: covering Differential, Under-Over Voltage & frequency, O/C & E/F, Directional, reverse power, mechanical protections of generator, overload Protection.
Busbar and Bay Protection: High and Low Impedance Protections, PLD designing in different scenarios. Special protection schemes for general bay protection, Circuit Breaker Failure (CBF), Synchronization Check, Transformer Differential, and Transformer Control Schemes. Case studies on simulation software as per IEC standards.
Introduction to Power System Dynamics: Overview of power system components, System equations and dynamic behavior, Stability concepts and criteria.
Synchronous Machine Modeling: Synchronous machine fundamentals, Park's transformation and synchronous machine modeling, Dynamic equations and state-space representation,
Power System Transients: Faults and short-circuits, Transient stability and swing equations, Electromechanical transients
Small Signal Stability: Linearized system equations, Eigenvalue analysis
Modal analysis and participation factors
Voltage Stability: Voltage instability mechanisms, Voltage collapse and load shedding, Voltage stability analysis and control
Impact of Load on Power System Dynamics: Load models and their impact on power system dynamics
Load frequency control and its role in maintaining system stability, Voltage regulation and reactive power control in response to load changes
Power System Stability Analysis using Software: Introduction to simulation software, Load-flow and dynamic simulation, Transient stability and small-signal stability analysis
Elective Courses
Introduction to Power Transmission Systems: Short-medium-long transmission lines, HV and EHV lines, transmission line parameters and modelling.
Optimum Loading of transmission lines: Maximum power transfer theorem, Transmission line losses, Reactive power compensation, Effects of line transients on insulation, Travelling waves, Wave propagation on transmission lines, Reflection and refraction of waves, Effects of waves on transmission lines, Protection against waves, Surge arrestors, case studies.
Insulation Coordination: Overview of insulation coordination, Causes of insulation failures, Voltage stress and insulation design, Insulation coordination principles, Lightning protection and insulation.
Transmission Tower Design: Types of transmission towers, Tower configuration and load calculations, Foundation design, Tower erection and maintenance, Insulators, case studies.
High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Transmission: Type of DC links, Technical and economic advantages of DC transmission, Incorporation of HVDC into AC systems, Converter station equipment, Skin effects
Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS): Introduction, Types of FACTS controllers, Basic principles and operation of FACTS, Power flow control with FACTS, Voltage stability control with FACTS.
Load characteristics and load forecasting: load factor, diversity principle, Load Forecast- factors and methods, small areas load forecasting, spatial load forecasting methods, trending and mixed load forecasting methods, case studies.
Distribution system Components- Design and Calculations: Design and Calculations of bus bars, transformers, poles, insulators for distribution system, switchgear and protection equipment, earthing, case studies.
Overhead and Underground Distribution System Design: Design principles and considerations, Pole selection, spacing, and guying requirements, Cable selection, sizing, and installation methods, Duct bank design and layout considerations.
Distribution system planning, automation and control: Short-term and long-term planning, dynamic planning, distribution system automation, load management and control.
Sub-transmission and substation design: Sub-transmission networks configurations, bus schemes, Distribution substations ratings, Service areas calculations, indoor-outdoor substation, AIS, GIS, hybrid substation, substation Design, case studies.
Primary and secondary system design considerations: Primary circuit configurations and design, feeder loading, secondary networks design, Economic- unbalance loads and voltage considerations, voltage regulation, capacitors banks.
Overview of power systems and their components, electrical network theory and modeling, importance of computational methods in power system analysis.
Numerical Methods for Power System Analysis: Power flow analysis covering decoupled method, Continuation Power Flow Method, DC power flow method, sparse matrix techniques, storage methods.
Optimization: State estimation techniques (Least Squares State Estimation), Bad Data Detection, Linear programming, Nonlinear programming,
Power System Applications including Optimal Power Flow and State Estimation.
Dynamic Analysis of Power Systems: Time-domain simulation, Frequency-domain analysis, Small-signal stability analysis, Eigenvalue analysis
Power system analysis tools and their applications: case studies.
The updated course introduces advanced computational methods like decoupled and continuation power flow, sparse matrix techniques, and various optimization techniques. It also incorporates dynamic analysis, including time-domain and small-signal stability analysis, alongside practical case studies.
Introduction to Power System Reliability: Definition, Importance, distribution system reliability, reliability indices.
Modelling of Power System Components: Two-state models for reliability analysis, Fault tree analysis, Failure modes and effects analysis, Reliability block diagrams for component reliability analysis, MTTF, MTTR, Failure Rate, Bath-Tub curve.
Probabilistic Techniques for Power System Reliability: Failure probability and reliability, Monte Carlo simulation, Reliability evaluation using probability density function, Failure modes and effects analysis, case studies and simulation.
Network Modeling for Reliability Assessment: Analysis of systems of independent components, series systems, Parallel systems, Series-parallel systems, bridge network, methods for identification of component importance, Markov modelling, Lifetime models, Data used for reliability assessment, case studies and simulation.
Reliability-Centered Maintenance:
Principles of reliability-centered maintenance, Reliability Centered Asset Management (RCAM), Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA), integration of sustainability and resilience in asset management decisions.
Introduction to Distributed Energy Sources (DERs): Overview of the electric power system, Distributed Energy Sources and grid integration of DERs
DERs Technologies: Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems, Wind power systems, Fuel cells, Microturbines, Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems, Energy storage systems.
Interconnection Standards and Grid Integration of Distributed Generation: Interconnection standards and regulations, Grid integration requirements, Distributed generation and power quality, Power system stability and control, NEPRA Grid Codes.
Energy Management Systems (EMS): Introduction to EMS, EMS applications for distributed generation, Integration of distributed generation with EMS
Distributed Generation Planning and Operation: Distributed generation planning, design, operation and maintenance, Load management and demand response, Case studies of successful distributed generation projects, analysis of the economic and environmental impacts of distributed generation
Introduction to Reactive Power Control: Importance of reactive power in power system operation, Reactive power sources and sinks, reactive power balance in power systems.
Reactive Power Control Devices and Their control strategies: Capacitors and reactors, Synchronous condensers, Static VAR compensators (SVCs), Static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs), Unified Power Flow Controllers (UPFCs), control of Reactive Power Devices.
Modeling and Simulation of Reactive Power Control: Mathematical models of reactive power devices, Simulation of power system operation with reactive power control, Case studies of reactive power control in power systems
Reactive Power Control and Management: Voltage regulation using reactive power, Power factor correction, voltage stability and reactive power, Reactive power dispatch, reactive power management for utility and industrial plant, selection and costing of equipment for reactive power management, harmonic mitigation, reactive power control in distributed energy resources, Case Studies in reactive power control.
Overview of electrical machines design, Design of magnetic loading, electric loading, flux density and current density, selection of D (diameter of the machine) and L (length of the machine) for different machines.
Materials: Properties and classification of electric and magnetic materials, insulating materials, temperature rise and methods of cooling, ingress protection (IP).
Design of Transformers: Output equation, voltage per turn, optimum designs, choice of flux density and current density, design of core, window dimension, yoke, low voltage and high voltage windings, number and arrangement of coils, calculation of resistances, leakage reactances, regulation, losses, efficiency, no load current, mechanical stresses, tank design and temperature rise calculations.
Design of Induction Motors: Output equation, choice of flux density, electric loading, main dimensions, stator design, winding, conductor size, slot dimensions, teeth, core, rotor design, air gap, slots, bars, end rings, core, magnetic circuit calculations, iron , friction and windage losses, no load current resistances, leakage reactance, circle diagram and performance evaluation, temperature rise calculations.
Design of Motors: Design consideration of permanent magnet DC motors, Brushless DC motors, reluctance and servo-motors.
Generalized Machines Theory:
Concept of generalized machines, Modeling and design of generalized machines, transformations, Park's and Clarke's transformation, ABC to DQ0 transformation, Induction motor design using dq (Direct Quadrate) theory, Synchronous machine design using DQ theory, Two Reaction Theory in synchronous machines
Introduction to Power Quality: Importance of power quality, Types of power quality problems, Standards and regulations related to power quality.
Power System Harmonics: Harmonic sources, distortion and its effects on power quality, Harmonic analysis and measurements, filtering techniques, mitigation techniques, effects of power capacitor bank, transient voltage surge &suppression techniques
Power Quality Measurement and Analysis: Power quality measurements and instruments, analysis techniques, indices and standards
Electric Filters: Electric filters, Types of electric filters including
Passive filters Active filters, Hybrid filters for improving power quality of distribution system, Filter design considerations and trade-offs, case studies.
Introduction to high voltage engineering: Significance of high voltage engineering, electric fields and breakdown mechanisms, electrical breakdown strength of gaseous, liquid and solid insulation. Dielectric properties of electrical insulation. Complex permittivity and dielectric response functions., Types of high voltage systems and their applications.
Generation and measurement of high voltages: Generation of AC, DC and impulse voltage, Voltage measurement techniques and instruments, calibration of high voltage measuring systems.
Insulation materials and systems:
Types of insulation materials and their properties, Insulation coordination and selection, Insulation testing and diagnostics
High voltage equipment: Circuit breakers, switchgear, transformers and other HV equipment, Operating principles and design considerations, Maintenance and testing of HV equipment.
Power system transients and overvoltage protection: Transients in power systems and their effects, Overvoltage protection schemes and devices, Lightning protection and grounding systems.
High voltage safety and regulations:
Safety measures for HV installations and maintenance, International and national standards and regulations, Environmental considerations, and impact of HV installations
Introduction to AC/DC Motors: Types, characteristics and applications of AC/DC motors covering synchronous and induction motor, permanent magnet motor, brushless DC motor, servo motor, universal motor
Power Electronics and Power Conversion: Power semiconductor devices, AC/DC, DC/DC conversion techniques
Motor Drive Topologies: AC/DC motor drive topologies, Drive circuits and components, Control techniques for motor drives, motor starting techniques.
Motor Control and Operation Techniques: Speed control, Torque control, Sensor-less control techniques, VFDs, four quadrant operation of DC drives, Control of DC motors by DC choppers.
Motor Protection: Motor protection techniques and devices, Overload, overvoltage, and undervoltage protection, Ground fault protection.
PLC and HMI for Motor Control:Principles of PLC and HMI, Programming techniques for motor control, HMI design and integration
Maintenance and Troubleshooting of Motor Drives: Preventive maintenance techniques, Troubleshooting techniques for motor drives, Failure analysis and repair of motor drives.
The new outline provides AC/DC motor covering advanced motor control and operation techniques such as VFDs and four-quadrant DC drive control. The addition of PLC and HMI integration, along with detailed motor protection and troubleshooting methods.
Introduction to Machine Learning: Overview of machine learning, Types of machine learning algorithms, Machine learning process and workflow, Supervised Learning and Linear Regression
Decision Tree and Random Forest, Naïve Bayes and Support Vector Machine:
Unsupervised Learning: Unsupervised learning, Clustering techniques, Dimensionality reduction, Evaluation of unsupervised learning results, Natural Language Processing and Text Mining
Deep Learning: Basics of artificial neural networks (ANN), Feedforward neural networks, Activation functions and backpropagation, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Introduction to TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch.
Time Series Analysis: Time series data and its characteristics, Time series visualization and decomposition, Evaluating time series models, Handling seasonality and trend
Energy Storage System (ESS): Battery typescovering alkaline, Li-ion, Nickle metal hydride, Ni- Cd, Lead acid, LiFePo4 and others, theirCharacteristics, Ratings, Standards for ESS, technical comparison of ESS technologies.
Battery Management Systems (BMS): Principlesand components, Functions of BMS in monitoring,
control, and optimization of battery performance.Power Conversion Systems (PCS): Role, Types, operation of PCS in energy storage and grid integration.
Energy Management Systems (EMS): Functionsand objectives of EMS in energy storage applications, Optimization algorithms for energydispatch and storage, Coordinated control of ESS components:Power Plant Controller (PPC): PPC and its role ingrid stability and reliability, Coordination of
multiple ESS and generation units through PPC,Integration of ESS Components: Interface and communication protocols between BMS, PCS,EMS, and PPC.
Renewable Energy Integration Challenges: Impact of variability, unpredictability, and power quality issues, Grid Stability in the Presence of Renewable Energy, methods for assessing and enhancing grid stability in renewable-rich environment, Low Inertia Challenges, Strategies for mitigating low inertia effects through control and grid reinforcement.
Protection Schemes for Renewable Energy
Integration: Protection principles, Design and implementation of protection schemes for renewable energy integration.
Grid Codes and Standards: Grid codes and interconnection standards relevant to renewable energy integration, Strategies for managing uncertainty and optimizing resource allocation.
Energy Storage Solutions: Role of energy storage in addressing grid stability and inertia challenges,
Integration of energy storage systems into renewable energy projects and power grids.
Advanced Control Strategies: Advanced control techniques for renewable energy integration, Frequency regulation and power balancing in renewable-rich grids.
Discrete-time Signals and Systems: Sampling, Aliasing, Quantization, Convolution, Correlation Properties of Discrete-time Signals and Systems, Modeling discrete systems, Conversion of differential equations into difference equations, Solution of difference equations.
Fourier Analysis for Discrete Signals: Discrete Time Fourier Series, Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT),Inverse DFT, Windowing and DFT Leakage, Direct Computation of DFT, Fast Fourier Transform (FFT), Divide and Conquer, Radix algorithms, Inverse FFT, Applications.
Discrete-time Systems Implementation: Overview of z-transform, Analysis of discrete systems, Structures of Discrete-time systems, Fixed and Floating number types, Quantization effects.
Design of Digital Filters: General Considerations for filer design, Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Filters, Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) Filters, Techniques of FIR and IIR filter Design, HR and FIR, spectral estimation, adaptive filters, multi-rate signal processing, Wavelets and joint time-frequency analysis, and real-time signal processing.
Multirate Signal Processing and Adaptive Filters: : Down sampling and Up sampling, Decimation and Interpolation, Least Mean Squares (LMS) Algorithm, Recursive Least Squares (RLS) Algorithm.
Modern Neural Networks in DSP: Neural Network Architectures for DSP, Signal Classification and
Processing: Leveraging deep learning for signal tasks.
Introduction to Data Analytics:
Overview of data analytics and their applications in engineering, Types of data and data sources, Data preprocessing techniques, Data visualization techniques, Outlier detection and removal
Statistical Analysis Techniques: Probability and probability distributions, Time Series Analysis, Hypothesis testing, Regression analysis.
Data Mining Techniques: Association rules, Clustering, Decision trees, Random forests Optimization Techniques: Linear and Nonlinear programming, Genetic algorithms, Simulated annealing by using the tools Excel, Tableau, python and others.
Applications and Case Studies: Applications in respective field, Grid Monitoring and State Estimation, False
Data Injection Attacks against State Estimation, State Estimation, MMSE State
Estimation and Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test, Demand Response, Communications and Sensing.