
Message from 
Department of Electrical Engineering



Students of Electrical Engineering Department are of course one of the top minds and most hardworking among the students and are not only the assets for their families but are also one of the most Important human resources of the country as well. You need to realize you importance and groom up your personality and expertise accordingly continuously through out your life so that you can be a model human beings and a true professionals, ..... Read More


Department of Electrical Engineering


The Department of Electrical Engineering is rich both in its history as well as in what it currently has in offers. The undergraduate programme in Electrical Engineering may be traced back to 1934 when the former NED Engineering College introduced a three year Bachelor of Engineering degree course. It was modified to 3-1/2 years duration in 1943-44. A full four year Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) degree programme was introduced in 1961.
The undergraduate programme has since been expanding continuously- both internally as well as in contributing and collaborating with industry sector. The once lonely Department of Electrical Engineering has contributed in the development of three other engineering disciplines namely, Computer and Information Systems , Electronic and Telecommunications – thus strengthening the faculty. Our undergraduate internship programme is intense which gives adequate exposure to the students. 
The Department also holds a strong post-graduate setup. A Masters in Electrical Engineering degree (Evening Programme) by course work / Project has been offered by this department since 1984. The programme has seen modifications at various stages and currently offers a semester based M.Engg. degree programme in various specialisations. The Department, having felt the need of industry for having human resource with refined management skills – acknowledged and timely launched a well-balanced Masters Programme in Engineering Management (MEM). It currently emphasises on energy management specialisation.


Yearly Objective 2023 (Recurrent)


"Development and Implementation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) Plan".

Action Plan


Departmental Facilities @ EED


The Department infrastructure comes complete with all educational and academic supporting aid and satisfactory environment necessary for intuitive learning. Extensive computing and laboratory facilities also exist in the department and more importantly are accessible by students most of the time. A number of separate computer laboratories are currently functioning with qualified staff to provide technical assistance to the users and maintenance work. These facilities occasionally also support external departments and centers for the conduction of special workshops and seminars. Advanced simulation software is also provided for researchers and enthusiasts. 
The Department is connected through high speed internet and its webpage to external customers for resource sharing, centralized management and information spread.

Laboratories @ EED
1. Smart Grid and Protection Laboratory
2. KE Laboratory
3. ABB Control Systems Laboratory
4. Power Systems Laboratory
5. Project Laboratory
6. Research Laboratory
7. Electric Circuits Laboratory
8. Simulation Laboratory
9. Instrumentation and Signal Processing Laboratory
10. Power Electronics Laboratory
11. Electrical Machines Laboratory
12. Computer Laboratory I & II






Siemens Innovation Laboratory


Postgraduate Time Table

Research Center At EED

International Electrical Engineering Conference

8th International Electrical Engineering Conference
ASpiring Pathways In ElectRical Engineering (ASPIRE -2023)
Friday 25th & Saturday 26th, August 2023

IEEC Gallery